Thứ Tư, 5 tháng 2, 2025

Channel customization

Home tab
Banner image
This image will appear across the top of your channel
For the best results on all devices, use an image that’s at least 2048 x 1152 pixels and 6MB or less. 
Your profile picture will appear where your channel is presented on YouTube, like next to your videos and comments
Profile picture
It’s recommended to use a picture that’s at least 98 x 98 pixels and 4MB or less. Use a PNG or GIF (no animations) file. Make sure your picture follows the YouTube Community Guidelines. 
Choose a channel name that represents you and your content. Changes made to your name and picture are visible only on YouTube and not other Google services. You can change your name twice in 14 days. 
Choose your unique handle by adding letters and numbers. You can change your handle back within 14 days. Handles can be changed twice every 14 days. 
Optionally add your pronouns. Let others know how to refer to you. You can edit or remove them anytime. You can choose who can view your pronouns. Your pronouns will appear on your channel page. 
THÂN ÁI CHÀO CÁC BẠN...RẤT VUI MỪNG ĐÓN TIẾP CÁC BẠN XA GẦN GHÉ THĂM TRANG NHÀ của Phubong Vo ... HÂN HẠNH CHÀO MỪNG CÁC BẠN. Youtube PHUBONG VO là tập hợp những : _ văn , thơ, âm nhạc...chuyện vui cười.hài hước... _ Văn thơ lịch sử VN và thế giới... _ Một số bình luận tin tức thế giới... - Cám ơn tất cả các bạn...
This is the standard web address for your channel. It includes your unique channel ID, which is the numbers and letters at the end of the URL.